Think Quran

Ramadan – Month of Blessings

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This lesson answers the following questions:

  • What is Ramadan?
  • What is the significance of Ramadan? And what are the virtues of Ramadan?
  • Why Muslims fast during Ramadan? And how does fasting work?
  • What is a typical day like during Ramadan?
  • What are the benefits of fasting?
  • What is the significance of charity and worship in Ramadan?
  • Do you know what the Greatest Night Ever is?
  • What do Muslims do at the end of Ramadan?

The summary of this blessing month can be concluded as follows:

  • Fasting is one of the Five Pillars of Islam.
  • Fasting helps to increase the taqwa or piety, compassion, mindfulness, and more. Most of all, it helps to get closer to Allah.
  • Ramadan serves as a boot camp to learn to be a better Muslim.
  • Finally, there are many more things that fasting and Ramadan teach us.

Please study about Ramadan and prepare to reap the benefits of this great blessing of Allah.

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